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Two types of storage can be attached to EC2: Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) and Amazon EFS (Amazon Elastic File System).
Amazon EBS provides low-latency block storage with excellent availability and consistency for Amazon EC2. It helps you tailor storage capacity, performance, and cost appropriately for your applications.
EBS is designed for workloads that require persistent storage accessed from a single EC2 instance. Common use cases include relational and NoSQL databases (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, Cassandra and MongoDB), big data analytics engines (e.g., Hadoop/HDFS ecosystem and Amazon EMR), and streaming and log processing applications (such as Kafka and Splunk), and data warehousing applications (such as Vertica and Teradata).

Amazon EFS provides a simple, scalable, and extensible file system for Linux-based workloads for use with AWS Cloud Services and on-premise resources. Designed to scale on-demand to petabyte scale without interrupting applications, it automatically expands and contracts as files are added and removed, allowing applications to use the amount of storage they need when they need it. Designed to provide massively parallel shared access to thousands of Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EFS enables applications to achieve high levels of aggregate throughput and IOPS with consistently low latency. to support a wide range of use cases from lift and shift, big data analytics, web serving and content management, application development and testing, media and entertainment workflows, database backup, and container storage delivery.

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Rate of correct answer 84%
No.37 Explanation
Which of the following storage combinations can be attached to EC2?
  • Amazon EBS + Amazon EFS
  • Amazon EBS + Amazon ECS
  • Amazon EBS + Amazon S3
  • Amazon ECS + Amazon S3



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