AWS Certified Free Questions & Explanations

Solutions Architect - Associate

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When scaling in EC2 instances that have been scaled out with Auto Scaling, the following order is performed by default.
(1)Select the AZ with the highest number of instances.
(2)If the number of instances in the AZ is the same, select the AZ with the oldest instances with the oldest startup settings.
(3)If there are multiple instances with older startup settings, select the instance with the shortest time to the next billing occurrence
(4)If there are multiple instances with the same time until the next billing occurrence, select at random.

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Rate of correct answer 57%
No.50 Explanation
Which of the following is an incorrect description of Auto Scaling?
  • Can scale out across multiple AZs
  • The maximum number of EC2 instances to be scaled out can be set
  • When scaling in, stop from the instance in the AZ where the most EC2 instances are running.
  • When scaling in, if the number of EC2 instances in the AZ is the same, stop the instance with the shortest startup time.



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